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Print Glossary

Listed below in our Print Glossary are the common terms used within the printing industry in everyday speak as well as a few definitions and explanations that will be of great help to you. If you ever wondered what is meant when a job 'bleeds' or when a 'dummy' is needed, then here is your chance to wise up on printers' jargon.

Click on the links below to view glossary terms

Adobe Acrobat

Piece of software that enables you to edit pdf files

Adobe Acrobat Distiller

Piece of software that enables you to create pdf files from postscript files. It provides the user with a host of options to create the pdf as, such as font and image embedding, colour downsampling etc

Adobe Acrobat Reader

Free piece of software that enables you to view pdf files and carry out simple operations. Known simply as Adobe Reader from version 6 onwards

Against the Grain

At right angles to the direction of the paper grain


Corrections and/or additions made by the customer in artwork at proof stage

Art Paper

Smooth surfaced paper


The job specification file supplied to the printer and made up of text, illustrations etc., and created nowadays using computer software

Carbon Capture & Storage Association Federation of Small Businesses British Print Birmingham Chamber of Commerce

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